Kapinye Lyrics
Kapinye Lyrics by DNA MISTER DREAMS
Hawa wasee, hawa wasee hawa wasee
Hawa wasee, hawa wasee hawa wasee
Hawa wasee, hawa wasee hawa wasee
Wamejiangusha hawa wasee
Hawa wasee
Walipewa chance wakatupa msee
Saa hii ni ma bitterness kuruka msee;
Hawa wasee
Kesi baadaye, namaliza hawa wasee
Hawa wasee
Weh buda, weh hunijui msee
Kweli weh uko na kichwa fiti msee?
Lemme show you how heavy we can play
Umekuwa mtiaji since day one
Everywhere you go, watu wana curse, una bore
‘Toka way back when, enzi za Boomerang
Weh na Roba Alien mkianza ku spin;
Walisema unaringa-
Hawakuwa wameshika rada
Yako si maringo, yako roho chafu
Inabidi nikuadhibu mwanangu
Weh Kapinye – si ni dream chasers
Weh Kapinye – weh ni dream breaker
Everything you touch turns to dust Kapinye
Uli mess career ya Elani pinye
Elani; could’ve been the biggest in the world
Ukawa mis-advise, waka change plan yao
You promised them heaven, and heavy rotation
But because of you, they got blocked from other stations
Weh Kapinye – you don’t know me
Utakuwa unacheki picha yangu una scream
You’re living in a dream – weh si forefather
Weh ni foreman kwa crew ya watiaji mother******
Let’s go
Huku inje unachukiwa kaa s***
People simply use you to get Old Skool gigs
King wa ma hater, I will BREAK your heart
Twende verse 2, hii ilikuwa warm up,
Hawa wasee
Hawa wasee, hawa wasee hawa wasee
Hawa wasee, hawa wasee hawa wasee
Hawa wasee, hawa wasee hawa wasee
Wamejiangusha hawa wasee
Hawa wasee
Walipewa chance wakatupa msee
Saa hii ni ma bitterness kuruka msee;
Hawa wasee
Kesi baadaye, namaliza hawa wasee
Unanitaja ovyo ovyo ni kaa mi ni dem yako
Mi ni King Kong, weh ni kadonyele, ka pimple
Ungenyamaza tu, saa shida iko kwako
Reverse gear tuling’oa, focus iko kwako
When I’m 48, ntakuwa na heshimika
Weh uko 48, hukupanga, uko bitter -
All the guys you deejayed with walijipanga;
You were arrogant, so wasee walikutoka
Katay doing good, anapata doh zake
Styles doing good, anapata doh zake
Nijo doing good, anapata doh zake
Unanitafuta, inabidi nikukate-
Pinye hunijui;
I can keep going down the list of guys you rolled with who made it while you hated
While you were crushing dreams, they got busy
Saa hii wako doh-weh unabonga “mediocre music”
Ethic [Lamba Lolo] wako miaka mbao, unawatusi?
Weh Kapinye – you’re just another guy, imma legend
Kariz, Paco Perez, Babu, hao ni LEGENDS
You are the example of how not to make it
Weh ni NUGU – a punk, a weakling, clown, mbleina
Your legacy is jealousy and hate, that’s forever
Hupatagi ma show, uliisha ladha
Unaota mchana, huniwezi, tena asana
Hawa wasee
Hawa wasee, hawa wasee hawa wasee
Hawa wasee, hawa wasee hawa wasee
Hawa wasee, hawa wasee hawa wasee
Wamejiangusha hawa wasee
Hawa wasee
Walipewa chance wakatupa msee
Saa hii ni ma bitterness kuruka msee;
Hawa wasee
Kesi baadaye, namaliza hawa wasee
You went out of your way to make sure I didn’t get shows –
I still made millions though
Millions of shillings – millions of fans
Ebu tukule raundi boss
Niko Diani, meditation with my guys
Niko South Sudan, tukirarua ma show
Niko Cape Town, cigar smoking with my homes
Niko Egypt, out swimming with my Bro
Niko Chicago – looking out for books to buy
Niko Germany, breaking down a steak and fries
Niko Dubai, shopping spree na ka dem ka mine
Niko Brussels, looking at a Benz I like..
Niko HOME; looking in the mirror – and I’m proud of the man I see
You can’t scratch me, but I can break you
Umekam sana, so KAENDE my dude
Ukiwa juu, uliumizana
Saa game imekutema, una force, pole sana
Twenty three years in the game –
Never mentored a single deejay
NO company, NO agency, NOTHING
Ni umama tu, na ku cock block youngins
Umepitwa na wakati, too late Kapinye
“Waliovuma” next episode ni WEH Kapinye;
I’m your worst nightmare Kapinye
Sii wote kuna ngoma hatupendi but we don’t go round crushing dreams Kapinye
Only “Yes” men – you have no friends –
You are going to grow old alone pinye
Ulifunga mlango, tukapita na dirisha –
Now guess who’s in the house – IT’S A GHOST PINYE…
Run away, NEVER come back
You were NEVER one of us, it’s a WRAP pinye
Kapinye – it’s a gone case, it’s a done deal, YOU ARE OLD NEWS pinye
Ume crush DREAMS za watu WENGI sana, na wasee hukuwachia..
And NEVER mention my NAME again..
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