BAMBALY SECK Mame Fallou cover image

Mame Fallou Lyrics

Mame Fallou Lyrics by BAMBALY SECK

Mbeug reka takh ma woy leu segn fallou
Kouy deglou degloul taye ma woy segn fallou
Man sap sopé maley woy yaw miy yaram ci walou wouné
So daan di daan fourey narri lathi naleu
Lorr dem na khewal yi bawane té dotoul diékh abadane
Kou sope segn fallou kheweul weur leu lorr deudou la abadane
Man sap sopé maley woy yaw mi yaram ci walou wouné
So daan di daan fourey narri lathi naleu

Maman ria rire jeurifou bour cherifoun touma dioub lou woula
Wa akhlou diwane seen mbolo mi khamé naniou la
Gaal ga ngui ni teer  kou khass ba tardé ya khala dess
Kou yeek gi galou serigne bi serigne fallou agalé la mooom
Maam fallou
Serigne modou bousso dieng wathi ngeu
Maam fallou
Serigne bara falilou wathi ngeu
Maam fallou
Serigne abo mbacké baay fall baye karim nianal ma
Maam fallou
Serigne fallok senghor bilay kii mo waur
Faral ma guindi ma doli ma doleel ma guindi ma
Yaw mi dakeu khiff dakeu raflé dakeu marr
Mangui thi yaw galass
Maam fallou
Dioug leen takhau niou sant cheikh fallou lay
Maam fallou
Dem na fa Makkah fap ngenél lilay
Maam fallou
Bayou cheick afia mbackék cheihk khabane cheikh modou awa balla
Maam fallou
Yaye ngenél yaye ngenél yaye ngenél bilay
Maam fallou

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About Mame Fallou

Album : Mame Fallou (Single)
Release Year : 2021
Added By : Farida
Published : Jan 21 , 2021



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