BRIAN NADRA Bella  cover image

Paroles de Bella

Paroles de Bella Par BRIAN NADRA

Oh my bella I still love you 
Even when we fall
Oh my bella I still love you 
Even when we fall

Oh my bella I still love you 
Even when we fall
Oh my bella I still love you 
Even when we fall

Kwaheri bella I'll have to wave
Me and my guitar we'll be dancing with the stars
You and my bella my dreams are taking me far
Me and my guitar  we'll be singing at the box

And how we'll be dancing with the stars
And how we'll be singing at the box

Bella you should know 
I'll sing for you niundo waku
She -- when I kiss you

You show me riverside at sunset
I'ma give you stars I only saw you
And the fairy stars I said I want you
And if you don't mind confess my love oh

Kwaheri bella I'll have to wave
Me and my guitar we'll be dancing with the stars
You and my bella my dreams are taking me far
Me and my guitar  we'll be singing at the box

And how we'll be dancing with the stars
And how we'll be singing at the box

Oh my bella I still love you 
Even when we fall
Oh my bella I still love you 
Even when we fall

Oh my bella I still love you 
Even when we fall
Oh my bella I still love you 
Even when we fall

Sura yako mwendo waist gichagi
Give me mbecha I lay
Hapa lady vile wanajicarry
Now for you the fist time
Mapenzi yangu kwako bahari
Hayana mwisho wake cheza nami kamari
Nitarudi usilie 

Kwaheri bella I'll have to wave
Me and my guitar we'll be dancing with the stars
You and my bella my dreams are taking me far
Me and my guitar  we'll be singing at the box

And how we'll be dancing with the stars
And how we'll be singing at the box

Oh my bella I still love you 
Even when we fall
Oh my bella I still love you 
Even when we fall

Oh my bella I still love you 
Even when we fall
Oh my bella I still love you 
Even when we fall


A Propos de "Bella "

Album : Nadrenaline (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : (c) 2021 Decimal Records.
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : May 28 , 2021

Plus de lyrics de l'album Nadrenaline

Plus de Lyrics de BRIAN NADRA


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