MARK 15: 35 Lyrics
MARK 15: 35 Lyrics by A- REECE
I'm not saying don't chase that
But just be a little bit grateful for everything
That you have currently right now
'Cause if you don't got that shit...
And the thing is...
I feel the rain pouring down, every time you come around
(Sometimes you gotta get on your knees and pray
Rest in peace)
Long gone are the better days nigga
God gives and he takes
Sometimes it feels like maybe God made a mistake
He didn't have to let 'em shoot my brother
He didn't have to take my nigga's cousin
He didn't have to make my family suffer
Why this gotta happen if He say He love us
I know better than to question God
I know everybody gotta die
But if I'm losing everyone I'm living for
Then dear Lord why the fuck a nigga still alive
Sometimes the devil lives inside my troubled mind
This shit I'm rolling louder than a baby crying
I'm on my second j
But I ain't even getting high
23 stressing like I'm 45
I'm mortified
Feel like I ain't spiritually fortified
Looking at my life in hindsight
Sometimes I wish that I could hit rewind
All I see is evil when I close my eyes
Never thought that my little K
Would tell me I should read the Bible more
Fuck what other niggas going viral for
Remember what you fighting for
Right your wrongs nigga
This time you can't just write 'em off
And when you write, write what's coming from the heart
'Cause where you from a real nigga is immortilised
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About MARK 15: 35
More lyrics from Today's Tragedy, Tomorrow's Memory: the mixtape album
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