WindBlow Lyrics by QUEENLET

Let your wind blow
Let your wind blow
Let your wind blow
Holy Spirit
Let your wind blow
Let your wind blow
Let your wind blow
Holy Spirit

Wind of fire
Wind of Healing
Wind of revival
Ooh let it blow
Wind of fire
Wind of Healing
Wind of revival
Let your wind blow
The wind that blows away negativity
The wind that brings positivity
Let it blow, all over the world
And cause healing on the land

Let your wind blow
Let your wind blow
Let your wind blow
Holy Spirit
Let your wind blow
Let your wind blow
Let your wind blow
Holy Spirit
Let your wind blow
Let your wind blow
Let your wind blow
Holy Spirit
Let your wind blow
Let your wind blow
Let your wind blow
Holy Spirit

O Lord we are ready for the move
Holy Ghost manifest yourself in here
Okemmuo ikuku amanonya
Move in your power
Move in your might
You are the fire, I am the sacrifice
Ignite my spirit, make me burn for you
Oooo yeeeerrr

Let your wind blow
Let your wind blow
Let your wind blow
Holy Spirit
Let your wind blow
Let your wind blow
Let your wind blow
Holy Spirit
Let your wind blow
Let your wind blow
Let your wind blow
Holy Spirit
Let your wind blow
Let your wind blow
Let your wind blow
Holy Spirit

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About WindBlow

Album : WindBlow (Single)
Release Year : 2021
Copyright : (C) 2021 - Debrich Group Ghana, Nigeria & Europe.
Added By : Farida
Published : Oct 26 , 2021

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