English Translation For AmaBlesser by MLINDO THE VOCALIST

Uyaz' uk'thand umuntu uvele ugcwale ngaye
(You know what it's like to love someone totally and completely)
Uvel' ubon i-straight
(You immediately see your one true love in her)
Uvele ubon' umshado
(You see yourself marrying her)
Ngisho uma wey'ngane
(In her you even see the mother of your children)
Impilo yakho yonk' iphelele wena um' unaye
(Your life is complete when you are with her)
Kanti yena ufun' ukuhamba
(Meantime, she wants to leave)
Ufuna uk'bona abanye
(She wants to meet other people)
Mina ang'sazi ng'thini, ang'sazi ng'thini ye...
(Truly, I don't know what more to say, I don't know what more to say ye...)
Ak'phileki ngaphandle kwakho nawe uyaz' sthandwa sami...
(You know it's impossible to live without you my love)
Ngob' uthen' akasang'thand ucela ngimyeke
(Since she said she doesn't love me anymore. She asked me to leave her alone)
Uhambile uma-baby
(My baby is gone)
Uhambile uma-baby yea...
(My baby is gone yea...)
Uhambe namablesser
(Blessers took her away)
Uhambe namablesser wooaa...
(Blessers took her away wooaa...)
Beng'nentombi mina, intombi mina aah
(I really had a girlfriend, my own girlfriend aah)
Beng'nentombi mina, intombi mina aah
(I really had a girlfriend, my own girlfriend aah)
Kodwa wakhetha ukung'shiya aah
(But she chose to leave me aah)
(To leave me...)
U-lovey wam uhambe namablesser
(Blessers took my love away)
Uhambe namablesser aah...
(Blessers took her away aah...)
Bathath' umunt' wam
(They took my sweetheart)
Bathath' isthandwa sam why...
(They took my love why...)
Nom' ungahamb' uzong' khumbula aah
(Even if you go, you will miss me aah)
U-lovey wam uhambe namablesser
(Blessers took my love away)
Uhambe namablesser wahamba
(Blessers took her away she's gone)
Ihambil' intombi kamjita, ay ulova...
(The guy's girlfriend is gone, ay the guy...)
Usho in front of phamb' kwabantu
(She said it right in front of people)
Wathi "it's over"
(She said "it's over")
Mina ang'nanto... weeh
(I have nothing...weeh)
Mina ang'nalutho, mina
(I'm really left with nothing)
'maningthathela yena nithi ngenzenjani?
(If you take her away from me, what do you expect me to do?)
'maningthathela yena nithi ng'thande bani?
(If you take her away from me, who do you expect me to love)
Wentomb' yam we
(Oh my girl oh)
Wentomb yam wena aah
(Oh my girl you aah)
Buyel ekhaya aah
(Come back home aah)
Uma ningthathela yena nithi ngthembe bani?
(If you take her away from me who do you expect me to trust?)
Uma ningthathela yena nithi ngthande bani?
(If you take her away from me who do you expect me to love?)
Wentomb' yaaaaaaaaam...
(Oh my girl...)
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About AmaBlesser
Comments ( 3 )
The "amablesser" song really touches my heart and reminds of how I lost my man to a female "Blesser"...
Mlindo and DJ Maphorisa keep it up...
Nice piece of music!!!
It's like you just sang the song for me.
Am a blesser touches every bit of my love life. My ex travelled to Italy and "blesser" took her away.
This song is powerful it's so emotional

The "amablesser" song really touches my heart and reminds of how I lost my man to a female "Blesser"... Mlindo and DJ Maphorisa keep it up... Nice piece of music!!! It's like you just sang the song for me.

Am a blesser touches every bit of my love life. My ex travelled to Italy and "blesser" took her away.

This song is powerful it's so emotional
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