Girlfriend Lyrics
Girlfriend Lyrics by JUICE BLUD
I miss my girlfriend, she was the light in my world
Now everything's dark even the brightest sun won't unfurl
I see her face in my dreams, hear her voice in my head
But when I wake up alone it feels like I'm already dead
We had it all, or so I thought now it's all gone
I should have hold on tighter, but I let her slip away like a song
I wonder if she thinks of me, if I ever cross her mind
If she misses me too, or if she's already left me behind
I try to move on, to find someone new, but it's never the same
Nothing can replace the love we had
It’s like trying to fit a square in a frame
So here I am, aching and alone, haunted by memories
Wishing I could turn back time and make things right, escaping this misery
But I know deep down, even if we can't be together again
I'll always miss my girlfriend
My heartache will never end
I miss my girlfriend, she was the light in my world
Now everything's dark even the brightest sun won't unfurl
I see her face in my dreams, hear her voice in my head
But when I wake up alone it feels like I'm already dead
The sun doesn't shine like it used to before
I'm searching for love, but it's not here anymore
I miss the feeling of being complete
Now I'm just a shadow of who I used to be
The world keeps spinning, but I'm standing still
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