YAA PONO Curses & Blessings cover image

Paroles de Curses & Blessings

Paroles de Curses & Blessings Par YAA PONO

Jah Jah never give a man thing more than what he bare
Thats why mi get a plate of food
Mi a niqqas all we want to share eh
We buss the whole place announce
Mi never have a safe bank account
Street lock up only talks all around
The money on ma mind not 50 pounds
Uoh mm

Take away the bad bad energy
Kick me away and try penning mi
Remember my mother dead
Still rest in peace bow cemetery
Still around the uptown energy ou oh

The more dem dey curse we
The more jah dey bless we oh
The more dem dey curse we
The more mighty turno
The more dem dey curse we
The more jah dey bless we oh
The more dem dey curse we
The more mighty turno

So ino matter say mi nor eat wey me see same way
When we thinking that the government is asleep wait
Inna mi ghetto fifty top score na xpliff
Is a bad man regime now we heat
Wey we retrace boh
We buss the whole place announce
Mi never have a safe bank account
Street lock up only talks all around
The money on ma mind not 50 pounds

Jah Jah never give a man thing more than what he bare
Thats why mi get a plate of food
Mi a niqqas all we want to share eh
We buss the whole place announce
Mi never have a safe bank account
Street lock up only talks all around
The money on ma mind not 50 pounds
Uoh mm

Take away the bad bad energy
Kick me away and try penning mi
Remember my mother dead
Still rest in peace bow cemetery
Still around the uptown energy ou oh

The more dem dey curse we
The more jah dey bless we oh
The more dem dey curse we
The more mighty turno
The more dem dey curse we
The more jah dey bless we oh
The more dem dey curse we
The more mighty turno


A Propos de "Curses & Blessings"

Album : Curses & Blessings (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2020
Copyright : (C) 2020. Uptown Energy.
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Jan 20 , 2020

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