WEB KID Villian II cover image

Paroles de Villian II

Paroles de Villian II Par WEB KID

[VERSE:Web Kid]
Lived in a city full of vultures
Ye ne wo sere but deep inside they wish you tortured
Eye ne mi dwen
Life keep holding
Lef me ma min sen
I was the stone, the left over bone
Asee )ye onya ye na wo da fom
Nyame ne ye foam so we lie on a sofer
Di bi ne min di that's all love brother
I shun dey bed cus me nim ekum
Free the Youth wei ne yen kom
Voice of the voiceless
Allah Akbar we still undergee buh we priceless
We shooting at the stars no matter the situation
My thought contemplating
The year dey end we dey under probation
Who do we blame??
The people or government
Shit is so hurting
Ya ye a ye a ya we can't offload the burden
So we will starve what if ye enya nu heaven
What if ye enya nu heaven
Mama still crying
Me, ma four siblings in the same ceiling
Embuyabem we keep smiling
Me ne wo na eka me sumu asem but yo tripping. Cold
I can't let deezy
He as been an idol
He gave me vim Charlie when I dey move like tortoise
He put me on a mission
No blueprint. It's me vrs my vision

[VERSE: Prince Sani Gee]
Music is the moonlight
In the gloomy night
I better die a meaningful death
Than to live a meaningless life
The life of the dead is placed
In the memory of the living
I swear to God I wish I could stop breathing
Well, hold fast to dreams
Cause dreams gonna die
Life is broken winged bird
That couldn't even fly
I told you this and imma keep telling you this
Put it aside
I will never lie cause we all gon die
I smile, I cry but why
So many thought about yesterday
A day I was innocent in each and every way
I looked upon the life
There were lows and highs
In between I found trapped in ties
It's a dream to fly in the skies
The dirt under your feet could be the grave you fill
I say what I said cause you know the deal
You know how it feel
It's kill or he killed
It's way too real
The shit I'm talkin' way, way too real
I hope it gave you chills
You don't know how dead you feel 'til you're dead for real


A Propos de "Villian II"

Album : Villian II (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2019
Ajouté par : Priggy Gh
Published : Mar 14 , 2020

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