Paroles de Reasons Par WANAVOKALI

 Kuna Sababu  

Another sleepless night in the city 
Another dripping hole in the ceiling 
It's crowded but you're still alone 
They taught you how to hide all your feelings 

Kuna  days you don't feel at home 
Na kuna days you don't feel that strong 
So let Jah love lift you up once more 
It’s your natural mystic revealing 

But you never know what's waiting round the corner 
Illusions in disguise as happy ever afters 
Let the dreamers keep on dreaming 
And if seeing is believing 
Open the eyes of our hearts 
It's ok, it's alright
It's just a season
Na kuna reason
It's ok, you're alive
What is broken
Can be whole again
The light will shine upon your face
Don't worry about a past you can't erase
It's ok, it's alright
It's just a season
Na kuna reason 

Another hopeless night and you're feeling lonely 
Coz nobody seems to care about you lately 
Another day to shine but you're feeling lazy 
You wanna make a change but you feel like huwezi 
And there's no place to hide 
Got to find the treasure buried inside 
Just put your fear to the side 
You'll see how beauty can come back to life 

But you never know what's waiting round the corner 
Illusions in disguise as happy ever afters 
Let the dreamers keep on dreaming 
And if seeing is believing 
Open the eyes of our hearts 
It's ok, it's alright
It's just a season
Na kuna reason
It's ok, you're alive
What is broken
Can be whole again
The light will shine upon your face
Don't worry about a past you can't erase
It's ok, it's alright
It's just a season
Na kuna reason 

Kuna sababu ,yeah 
Kuna sababu ,yeah
Kuna sababu ,yeah
Kuna sababu ,yeah
Kuna sababu ,yeah
Kuna sababu ,yeah
Kuna sababu ,yeah
Kuna sababu ,yeah
(There’s a reason)


A Propos de "Reasons"

Album : Wanavokali (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Ajouté par : Ingrid
Published : Nov 18 , 2021

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