VICTORIA ORENZE Covenant Keeping God  cover image

Paroles de Covenant Keeping God

Paroles de Covenant Keeping God Par VICTORIA ORENZE

You are the covenant keeping God
You are the covenant keeping God
Yahweh the covenant keeping God
You'll never leave me
You said that you won't forsake me
You walk beside me
And that is all that matters

You'll never leave me
You said that you won't forsake me
You walk beside me
And that is all that matters

The sun won't smite me
And the moon, it will not hurt me
The flood won't sweep me
The Lord You're my Anchor

The sun won't smite me
And the moon, it will not hurt me
The flood won't sweep me
The Lord You're my Anchor

You are the covenant keeping God
You are the covenant keeping God
Yahweh the covenant keeping God
Yahweh the covenant keeping God

You are the covenant keeping God
You are the covenant keeping God
Yahweh the covenant keeping God
Yahweh the covenant keeping God

he'll never leave you
You said that you won't forsake me
You walk beside you
And that is all that matters

The sun won't smite you
And the moon, it will not hurt you
The flood won't sweep you
The Lord is your Anchor

The sun won't smite you
And the moon, it will not hurt you
The flood won't sweep you
The Lord is your Anchor

 The sun won't smite you
And the moon, it will not hurt you
The flood won't sweep you
The Lord is your Anchor

You are the covenant keeping God
You are the covenant keeping God
Yahweh the covenant keeping God
Yahweh the covenant keeping God

You are the covenant keeping God
You are the covenant keeping God
Yahweh the covenant keeping God
Yahweh the covenant keeping Go
 Yahweh the covenant keeping God
Yahweh the covenant keeping Go
Yahweh the covenant keeping God
Yahweh the covenant keeping Go

 You are the covenant keeping God
You are the covenant keeping God


A Propos de "Covenant Keeping God "

Album : Covenant Keeping God (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2017
Ajouté par : Preslie Nzobou
Published : Feb 24 , 2020

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