VICTONY Unfamiliar Realms cover image

Paroles de Unfamiliar Realms

Paroles de Unfamiliar Realms Par VICTONY

Somebody help
Somebody help me please
Oh no no thanks
I think I'm fine by me
But would you help
I'm losing all the piece in me
Don't know myself
I don't know who I be

Don't know myself
Don't know myself
Don't know myself another realm inside my head
Can't tell me hell is not my residence
The devil's here and then he plays with my intelligence
It's quite a noise, it's never settling
I really say somebody help but I'll be negligent
They cannot tell the hell that's happening
They cannot tell, they cannot tell

It's not a cry for help
So please don't be sympathetic with me
Don't know myself but still I'm happy with me
It's not a cry for help
So please don't be sympathetic with me
Don't know myself but still I'm happy with me

Don't know myself
Don't know myself
Don't know myself another realm inside my head
Can't tell me hell is not my residence
The devil's here and then he plays with my intelligence
It's quite a noise, it's never settling
I really say somebody help but I'll be negligent
They cannot tell the hell that's happening
They cannot tell, they cannot tell

Don't know myself
Don't know myself
Don't know myself another realm inside my head
Can't tell me hell is not my residence
The devil's here and then he plays with my intelligence
It's quite a noise, it's never settling
I really say somebody help but I'll be negligent
They cannot tell the hell that's happening
They cannot tell, they cannot tell


A Propos de "Unfamiliar Realms"

Album : Unfamiliar Realms (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : (c) 2021
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Dec 15 , 2021

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