VICTONY Sunday School cover image

Paroles de Sunday School


Paroles de Sunday School Par VICTONY

Telli me something, no go leave me for nothing

Silence no be small thing

E dey do me heart robbery

Hustling since Monday like I want find who kill Jesus

Even mother Mary o no fit reach your assumptions

You're listening to Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber

But you show no love in this I can't fit believe

I can't fit believe myself

A devil is no competi' for my deceiver

How many more doses, girl, before I killi, before I killi myself

You say make I do this and do that, I deliver

If e too sweet, e no mean say e no fit bitter

Truth e be truth, e no get sister

Na this kind thing turn man unbeliever

What's happening, my bambi

I don't know what happen to you

They're asking in my family

they don't know what happen to you

If you want to change your ways

I carry you go Sunday school

Who dey

When you still dey wear akube

I cannot delete your scent, you know

From my nose, I too like your perfume, oh

See that time, e be like a cartoon oh, 'cause everything na fake

You're listening to Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber

But you show no love in this I can't fit believe, I can't fit believe myself

A devil is no competi' for my deceiver

How many more doses, girl, before I killi, before I killi myself

You say make I do this and do that, I deliver

If e too sweet, e no mean say e no fit bitter

Truth e be truth, e no get sister

Na this kind thing turn man unbeliever

What's happening, my bambi

I don't know what happen to you ah

They're asking in my family

They don't know what happen to you

If you want to change your ways

I carry you go Sunday school

'Cause they're asking in my family


A Propos de "Sunday School"

Album : (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2024
Copyright :
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Dec 02 , 2024

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