VESSEL CHORDRICK I No Dey Barb cover image

Paroles de I No Dey Barb

Paroles de I No Dey Barb Par VESSEL CHORDRICK

They put the nail through his hands
They put my thorns on his head
But he still wraps me in his arms
He still wraps me in his arms
I see your grace it abounds
I once was lost now am found
But you still wrap me in your arms
You still wrap me in your arms
They put the nail through his hands
They put my thorns on his head
But he still wraps me in his arms
He still wraps me in his arms
I see your grace it abounds
I once was lost now am found
But you still wrap me in your arms
You still wrap me in your arms

I de see, I de see
How far you’re come for me
I no de barb oo
Yes I no de barb oo
I no de barb oo
Why you love me so
I de see
How far you’re come for me
I no de barb oo
Yes I no de barb oo
I no de barb oo
Why you love me so

When I remember, how your love has covered me
I no de barb oo
I no de barb oo
When I remember, how your love has lifted me
I no de barb oo
I no de barb oo

I de see
How far you’re come for me
I no de barb oo
Yes I no de barb oo
I no de barb oo
Why you love me so
When I remember, how your love has covered me
I no de barb oo
I no de barb oo
When I remember, how your love has lifted me
I no de barb oo
I no de barb oo
When I remember, how your love has transformed me
I no de barb oo
I no de barb oo
When I remember, how your love has ransomed me
I no de barb oo
I no de barb oo

Where you are
There is love where you are
Where you are
Where you are
There is peace where you are
Where you are
Where you are
Where you are
Where you are
There is freedom where you are
Where you are
Where you are
There is healing where you are
Where you are
Where you are
There is love where you are
Where you are
Where you are
Where you are
There is peace where you are
Where you are
Where you are
Where you are
There is freedom where you are
Where you are
Where you are
Where you are
There is healing where you are

When I remember, how your love has covered me
I no de barb oo
I no de barb oo
When I remember, how your love has lifted me
I no de barb oo
I no de barb oo
When I remember, how your love has transformed me
I no de barb oo
I no de barb oo
When I remember, how your love has transformed me
I no de barb oo
I no de barb oo

I de see
How far you’re come for me
I no de barb oo
Yes I no de barb oo
I no de barb oo
Why you love me so


A Propos de "I No Dey Barb"

Album : I No Dey Barb (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Mar 18 , 2021

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