UJU ANUNOBI Dependable God cover image

Paroles de Dependable God

Paroles de Dependable God Par UJU ANUNOBI

You are dependable
You never lie
Your promises are backed
By the honour of Your name
You have never spoken
And You failed to act
Oooooh Oh
I absolutely depend on You

You are dependable
You never lie
Your promises are backed
By the honour of Your name
You have never spoken
And You failed to act
Oooooh Oh
I absolutely depend on You

You are a Dependable God
Heaven and Earth bear witness
You are a Dependable God
That is Your nature
You are a Dependable God
Heaven and Earth bear witness
You are a Dependable God
I absolutely depend on You

Saviour of my soul
In You I rely
Your faithfulness is backed
By the truth of Your Word
You have never spoken
And it failed to stand Yeah
oooooh Lord
I absolutely depend on You

You are a Dependable God
Heaven and Earth bear witness
You are a Dependable God
That is Your nature
You are a Dependable God
Heaven and Earth bear witness
You are a Dependable God
I absolutely depend on You

You are a Dependable God
Heaven and Earth bear witness
You are a Dependable God
That is Your nature
You are a Dependable God
Heaven and Earth bear witness
You are a Dependable God
I absolutely depend on You

I will not give up (eh)
Waiting on You
When faced with troubles
Beyond my power

Yes I will trust You
In everything
Oh God
I absolutely depend on You

You are a Dependable God
Heaven and Earth bear witness
You are a Dependable God
That is Your nature
You are a Dependable God
Heaven and Earth bear witness
You are a Dependable God
I absolutely depend on You



A Propos de "Dependable God"

Album : Dependable God (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2019
Copyright : (c) 2019, EeZeeConceptz
Ajouté par : Afrika Lyrics
Published : Sep 11 , 2019

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