TYLA Push 2 Start cover image

Paroles de Push 2 Start


Paroles de Push 2 Start Par TYLA

The way we move, uh, skin onto skin

No separation, need no conversation, na na na

Uh, on everything

It's automatic, going zero to a hun na na na

Riding, wishing the wheels would fall off

Time is ticking, it's taking you too long

Ride before I decide to go home

Act like you heard me

Only serve it up if you deserve me, yeah

Pull up and earn me

Push to start

Act like you heard me

Only serve it up if you deserve me, yeah

Pull up and earn me

Push to start

hummm, pushing on my buttons with no hesitation

Gas me up, give me motivation so

Tell me where we going, pick a destination

Gas me up, give me motivation now

Pushing on my buttons with no hesitation

Gas me up, give me motivation so

Tell me where we going, pick a destination

Gas me up, give me motivation now

Come give me life

And I'll change yours

Who needs signs

I say floor it

On a high

Way we load it

Hold me

Load me

Hold me

Act like you heard me

Only serve it up if you deserve me, yeah

Pull up and earn me

Push to start

Act like you heard me

Only serve it up if you deserve me, yeah

Pull up and earn me

Push to start

hummm, pushing on my buttons with no hesitation

Gas me up, give me motivation so

Tell me where we going, pick a destination

Gas me up, give me motivation now

Pushing on my buttons with no hesitation

Gas me up, give me motivation so

Tell me where we going, pick a destination

Gas me up, give me motivation now

Give me life

I'll change yours

Who needs signs

I say floor it

On a right

Way we load it


A Propos de "Push 2 Start"

Album : (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2024
Copyright : (C) 2024 FAX Records, under exclusive license to Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Oct 11 , 2024

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