TOBY GREY Distance cover image

Paroles de Distance

Paroles de Distance Par TOBY GREY

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

Why are you so close yet so distant
I thought we hit it off in an instant
I tried to get close but you wouldn’t let me
Saw you in my dreams with a halo
Flashing lights around me like a rainbow
I tried to hold your hands but you wouldn’t let me

Why are you far away in my dreams like in real life
What have I done to deserve the distance
The green light that you give feels like red light
Yeah Yeah Yeah
Far away, that’s how I feel when I’m around ya
You got walls up and high I’m confused now just go
I’ll just leave, say the word
Tell me now
Green light on green light off

Green light
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Green light
Oh oh oh
Feels so close yet so far

Nobody gets me like you get me
That’s why it hurts me so badly
Going through this pain is so pathetic
Cos you don’t see
What I’m going through
Saw you in my dreams with a halo
Flashing lights around me like a rainbow
I tried to hold your hands but you wouldn’t let me

Why are you far away in my dreams like in real life
What have I done to deserve the distance
The green light that you give feels like red light
Yeah Yeah Yeah
Far away, that’s how I feel when I’m around ya
You got walls up and high I’m confused now
I’m confused now

But you wouldn’t let me, no
But you wouldn’t let me, no
But you wouldn’t let me, no
But you wouldn’t let me, no


A Propos de "Distance"

Album : Distance (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2022
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Aug 04 , 2022

Plus de Lyrics de TOBY GREY


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