TIMAM Washa Nare cover image

Paroles de Washa Nare

Paroles de Washa Nare Par TIMAM

Tusidanganyane, sio kila time me Uhisi kuomba
Mwili hukataa
Ni kaa roho ametake journey
Kila time nikitaka kuomba
Mwili unakataa
Huduma nayo matime inachokesha
Nimekuja kama Ndaii uniongeze ngata

Washa Nareeeh
Ndani ya moyo wangu Nareeehh
Washa Nareeeh
Ndani ya moyo wangu Nareeehh

Wakinisize wanadhani
I got all figured out wanaona mtu perfect but
Humu ndani, Najua me hukuangusha Yahweeeeehhh
Ukajua tu vile natamani
Kurudi to the first love, kwako yahweeh
Tembea nami yahweeehh
Sijiwezi bila wewe, Hii kitu si ujanja bidiiiid yangu yahweh
Kama mwewe naomba nipae.....nipae
Usiniwache kwenye Njeve
Hii life imechapa bila wewe, Yahweeeh
Moto wako naomba ujaeee

Washa Nareeeh
Ndani ya moyo wangu Nareeehh
Washa Nareeeh
Ndani ya moyo wangu Nareeehh
Washa Nareeeh
Ndani ya moyo wangu Nareeehh
Washa Nareeeh
Ndani ya moyo wangu Nareeehh


A Propos de "Washa Nare"

Album : Washa Nare (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : May 27 , 2021

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