TERRI Wake Up cover image

Paroles de Wake Up

Paroles de Wake Up Par TERRI

Omo shey you see
Omo shey you see
Omo shey you see

Many girls I dey see for free 
Back then them laugh me 
Yes them no dey gree 
Them dey say them no dey feel my p

Everyday I wake up
Man must to thank baba God for the favours
Devil no fit stop us
Man a switch location from London to Lagos

Omo shey you see, omo shey you see
Omo shey you see, omo shey you see
Small church don ministry
Hold side, Hold side, Hold side
Omo shey you see, omo shey you see eee
Hold side, Hold side, Hold side

My brother, brother make you dey wake up
My sister no dey waste time dey do make up
If you call me for the money I go link up o 
All the hustle and the pain I dey reap off o 

Me no wan sidown dey loose guard o
Me no wan sidown dey loose guardo
Anyhow e bl go run mo
My brother, brother make you dey wake up

Kilo wade why them want me to slogo
Shey na me way kill e soco
As I dey move like this o
Everybody dance to my disco

Kilo wade why them want me to slogo
Shey na me way kilo soco
Kilo wade, ma lo go ma lo go came ready 
Ahn you know kilowade

Omo shey you see, omo shey you see
Many girls I dey see for free
Back then them laugh me
Yes them no dey gree

Everyday I wake up
Man must to thank baba God for the favours
Devil no fit stop us
Man a switch location from London to Lagos

Omo shey you see, omo shey you see
Small church don ministry
Hold side, hld side, hold side
Omo shey you see, omo shey you see eee
Hold side, hold side, hold side


A Propos de "Wake Up"

Album : Afroseries EP/ Wake Up (EP)
Année de Sortie : 2020
Copyright : © 2020 Starboy Entertainment Limited
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : May 02 , 2020

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