TERRI Same You cover image

Paroles de Same You

Paroles de Same You Par TERRI

Terri - Same You lyrics

Aah ooh yeah ooh
Ooh yeah, ooh yeah ooh yeah 

Baby you was you said that I could tell you anything
That's why I told you
That's why I told you how am feeling
Shebi na you say that your love doesn't cost anything
So why are you acting now different?
You can't even keep no secret

Ooh same you
You tell me say you dey fill my way
Same you
Turn up the light and I can find my way
Same you
Ee, wey dey cause this apart
Same you
Ee, wey dey scatter di party

And it's funny how you keep on treating me this way
Wanna be your Jeep just step on display
I no say you know
Girl I no deserve the things that you do to me
But then better than no choice
Say make I pull up in a Rolls Royce
Then she go gree
Then she go follow me

Say, but then better than no choice
Say make I pull up in a Rolls Royce
Then she go gree
Then she go follow me
She say she like Oukrimi so she be media adviser
Even when it's cold she be booty shaker
She say I know

You like the way I blow you wanna get in my song
She say come get me get me get me if you can
I don't need you I won't need any man
I know with your waka you dey juu plenty man
You dey kill me too you dey burst my domain

But then better than no choice
Say make I pull up in a Rolls Royce
Then she go gree
Then she go follow me
Say, but then better than no choice
Say make I pull up in a Rolls Royce
Then she go gree
Then she go follow me

Same you
You tell me say you dey fill my way
Same you
Turn up the light and I can find my way
Same you
Ee, wey dey cause this apart
Same you
Ee, wey dey scatter di party

But then better than no choice
Say make I pull up in a Rolls Royce
Then she go gree
Then she go follow me
Say, but then better than no choice
Say make I pull up in a Rolls Royce
Then she go gree
Then she go follow me


A Propos de "Same You"

Album : Same You (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2019
Copyright : All rights to the owner.
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Jul 04 , 2019

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