SYMPHONIC MUSIC You Are cover image

Paroles de You Are

Paroles de You Are Par SYMPHONIC MUSIC

Loving and loyal
Never unkind
Majestic and royal
You are the everlasting
Loving and loyal
Never unkind
Majestic and royal
You are the everlasting
You are, you are (authority)
You are, you are (supremacy)
You are, you are (majesty)
You are, you are (royalty)
You are, you are (authority)
You are, you are (supremacy)
You are, you are (majesty)

Loving and loyal
You’re never unkind
Majestic and royal
You are the everlasting
You are, you are (authority)
You are, you are (supremacy)
You are, you are (majesty)
You are, you are (royalty)
You are, you are (incomparable one)
You are, you are (peerless one)
You are, you are (matchless one)
You are, you are (mighty one)
You are, you are (distinct in your way)
You are, you are (sharp with your word)
You are, you are (quick with your mouth)
You are, you are (the living word)
You are, you are (you’re our victory at war)
You are, you are (you are a title to win)
You are, you are (you’re our way through the sea)
You are, you are (you’re our promise)
You are, you are (you’re refuge and shield)
You are, you are (the name with the fire)
You are, you are (and our hedge of protection)
You are, you are (you are mighty God)
You are, you are (you’re the master and king)
You are, you are (and you are the lion and lamb)
You are, you are (you’re the ancient God)
You are, you are (everlasting)
You are, you are (Jesus Jesus Jesus)
You’re Jesus
Demons tremble at the mention of your name
Jesus Jesus Jesus
You’re Jesus
Every principality knows that name, Jesus
Every authority knows that name
Jesus Jesus Jesus
You’re Jesus
We love to call upon you
We love to call upon you, Jesus
Jesus Jesus Jesus
You’re Jesus
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah  Hallelujah
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah  Hallelujah
Jesus Jesus Jesus
You’re Jesus
Jesus Jesus Jesus
You’re Jesus


A Propos de "You Are"

Album : You Are (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2022
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Aug 04 , 2022

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