Paroles de SunShine
Paroles de SunShine Par SOUNDZ
I spy with my little eye a future so bright e dey blind evil eyes
Sometimes every once in a while
Some people doubt me but mi no even mind
It’s been a long time coming
And it wasn’t very easy for me no oh
But i know
I’m on the road
Say everything go dey alright imma see sunshine
At the end of the tunnel there must be light (ama see sunshine)
And i don’t even worry I will be fine
(Ama see sunshine)
No human being can take what is mine
(Ama see sunshine)
I be diamond so i go still shine
(Ama see sunshine)
When e dey blurry
Nobody pat me for back
Nobody tell me sorry
Still i no worry
I lift my head up and grind and i face my journey
cos na my story yeah
E no go sweet if i no see shege ahnn
But i no seke
If i fall i go rise again aahnn
Cos at the end of the tunnel there must be light
(Ama see sunshine)
And i don’t even worry I will be fine
(Ama see sunshine)
No human being can take what is mine
(Ama see sunshine)
I be diamond so i go still shine
(Ama see sunshine)
At the end of the tunnel there must be light
(Ama see sunshine)
And i don’t even worry I will be fine
(Ama see sunshine)
No human being can take what is mine
(Ama see sunshine)
I be diamond so i go still shine
(Ama see sunshine)
A Propos de "SunShine"
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