SOLIDSTAR Calling cover image

Paroles de Calling

Paroles de Calling Par SOLIDSTAR


Na so you dey like to do
Na so you dey like to do
Someone is calling you
But you no dey like to pick
Na so you dey like to do
Na so you dey like to do (lie o, lie o)
Na so you dey like to do
Someone is calling you
But you no dey like to pick
Na so you dey like to do

The address you send for me no dey for map o
Abi don call you tire I sleep wake up for mat o
Yeah, dear  no do me so
Baby, no do me so
Dear no do me so
Baby no do me so
Here with my baby
Here with my baby
Here with my baby (baby na so)

Na so you dey like to do
Na so you dey like to do
Someone is calling you
But you no dey like to pick
Na so you dey like to do
Na so you dey like to do (lie o, lie o)
Na so you dey like to do
Someone is calling you
But you no dey like to be
Na so you dey like to do

Anytime you no pick my call
If you to give me heart attack
I no want hear say something wrong with you
Anytime you no pick my call
If you to give me heart attack
I no want hear say something wrong with you (baby na so)

Na so you dey like to do (lie o, lie o)
Na so you dey like to do
Someone is calling you
But you no dey like to pick
Na so you dey like to do


A Propos de "Calling"

Album : Calling (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2020
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Jul 01 , 2020

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