SINACH In Awe cover image

Paroles de In Awe

Paroles de In Awe Par SINACH

Seasons come, seasons go
You never fail, You are faithful
Kingdoms rise, kingdoms fall
You never change, everlasting

Seasons come, seasons go
You never change, You are faithful
Kingdoms rise, kingdoms fall
You never change, everlasting
I stand in awe of You, Majesty
All that I am, praise You Lord
I stand in awe of You, Majesty
I can never praise You enough

I stand in awe of You, Majesty
All that I am, praise You Lord
I stand in awe of You, Majesty
I can never praise You enough
We praise You, for Your great love
And wondrous things that You have done
We offer up a sacrifice of thanksgiving
We sing for joy

We praise You, for Your great love
And wondrous things that You have done
We offer up a sacrifice of thanksgiving
We sing for joy
I stand in awe of You, Majesty
All that I am, praise You Lord
I stand in awe of You, Majesty
I can never praise You enough

I stand in awe of You, Majesty
All that I am, praise You Lord
I stand in awe of You, Majesty
I can never praise You enough
I can never (I can never) love You enough
(Sing my song to You)
I can never praise You enough
I can never love You enough
I can never sing for You enough

Seasons come, seasons go
You never fail, you are faithful
Kingdoms rise, kingdoms fall
You never change, everlasting
Seasons come, seasons go
You never change, you are faithful
Kingdoms rise, kingdoms fall
You never change, everlasting

I stand in awe of You, Majesty
All that I am, praise You Lord
I stand in awe of You, Majesty
I can never praise You enough
I stand in awe of You, Majesty
All that I am, praise You Lord
I stand in awe of You, Majesty
I can never praise You enough

We praise You, for Your great love
And wondrous things that You have done
We offer up a sacrifice of thanksgiving
We sing for joy
We praise You, for Your great love
And wondrous things that You have done
We offer up a sacrifice of thanksgiving
We sing for joy

I stand in awe of You, Majesty
All that I am, praise You Lord
I stand in awe of You, Majesty
I can never praise You enough
I stand in awe of You, Majesty
All that I am, praise You Lord
I stand in awe of You, Majesty
I can never praise You enough

I can never (I can never) love You enough
(Sing my song to You)
I can never praise You enough
I can never love You enough
I can never sing for You enough
I can never praise You enough
I can never praise You enough
I can never praise You enough
I can never praise You enough

Lift up your voice, say "Thank you, Jesus"
(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
I can never love You enough
(Never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never)
Never praise You enough (Sing enough)
Can never thank You enough (Dance enough)
Can never sing enough (Shout enough)
Can never love you enough (Hey, hey)
Can never thank You enough (I can never love You enough)
Can never love You enough (I can never praise You enough)
Lift your voice, say

I can never praise You enough
I can never praise You enough
I can never praise You enough

I stand in awe of You, majesty
All that I am, praise You lord
I stand in awe of You, majesty
I can never praise You enough
Ebiere, put your hands together for her

I can never praise You enough
I can never praise You enough
I can never praise You enough
I can never praise You enough

Lift up your voice, say "Thank you, Jesus"
(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
I can never love You enough
(Never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never)
Never praise You enough (Sing enough)
Can never thank You enough (Dance enough)
Can never sing enough (Shout enough)
Can never love you enough (Hey, hey)
Can never thank You enough (I can never love You enough)
Can never love You enough (I can never praise You enough)
Lift your voice, say

I can never praise You enough
I can never praise You enough
I can never praise You enough
I stand in awe of You, majesty
All that I am, praise You lord
I stand in awe of You, majesty
I can never praise You enough
Ebiere, put your hands together for her


A Propos de "In Awe"

Album : In awe(There's an overflow) (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2018
Copyright : (c) 2019
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Mar 14 , 2019

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