SAMSONG E Dey Work cover image

Paroles de E Dey Work

Paroles de E Dey Work Par SAMSONG

It’s the Church Boy, Samsong
(Church Boy)

The word of God in my mouth
(E dey work)
The Spirit of the Lord in my heart
(E dey work)
When I speak in tongues
(E dey work)
Even my tithe and offering
(E dey work)
The Name of Jesus in my mouth
(E dey work)
E dey work
E dey work
(E dey work)
You say e dey work
(E dey work)
E dey work
E dey work
(E dey work)

People living life in a fool's paradise
Living life like a toss a dice
Brother, if e no work for your side
E don't mean what we do is a lie
Talk about my tithe and my offering
I pay my tithe put an end to the suffering
My life be turning on hin own
You say, turning on hin own
Don't talk down on the anointing
Small talk can bring you down to nothing
What you don't understand, leave it?
Makes no sense to still take a stand
This is our life, our culture
We are from Commonwealth of Zion
We live by a different set of rules
This is what we do and this is how we rules

The word of God in my mouth
(E dey work)
The Spirit of the Lord in my heart
(E dey work)
When I speak in tongues
(E dey work)
Even my tithe and offering
(E dey work)
The Name of Jesus in my mouth
(E dey work)
E dey work
E dey work
(E dey work)
You say e dey work
(E dey work)
E dey work
E dey work
(E dey work)

Keep saying it don't stop talking it
A closed mouth is a closed up destiny
Quit Christians die quietly
If you must live right only say the right things
Ha, kabaye Kabaye "bross you de speak in tongues
Calm down this na my secret
Na the power and the glory of Christianity
When I speak in tongues there'll be nay circumstances
Speak in tongues move all that mountain
When I speak in tongues I change situations
Speak in tongues put the Devil in confusion
This is our life, our culture,
We are from Commonwealth of Zion
We live by a different set of rules
This is what we do
This is how we rules

The word of God in my mouth
(E dey work)
The Spirit of the Lord in my heart
(E dey work)
When I speak in tongues
(E dey work)
Even my tithe and offering
(E dey work)
The Name of Jesus in my mouth
(E dey work)
E dey work
E dey work
(E dey work)
You say e dey work
(E dey work)
E dey work
E dey work
(E dey work)

If you want your life to take a new turn
All you need to do is say this words after me
Lord I believe in you and
I receive the power to become the son of God
Lord I believe in you and
I receive the power to become the son of God

The word of God in my mouth
(E dey work)
The Spirit of the Lord in my heart
(E dey work)
When I speak in tongues
(E dey work)
Even my tithe and offering
(E dey work)
The Name of Jesus in my mouth
(E dey work)
E dey work
E dey work
(E dey work)
You say e dey work
(E dey work)
E dey work
E dey work
(E dey work)


A Propos de "E Dey Work"

Album : E Dey Work (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2019
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Mar 01 , 2020

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