Paroles de Belema
Paroles de Belema Par RYAN OMO
I like it when you look at me
You make me feel some type of way
I think I’ve fallen totally
I feel like dancing in the rain ooh
Draw me nearer
Draw me nearer baby
Treat me better
Treat me better baby (ye)
I want to see you more
Oya gimme love
Don’t want to be a friend anymore
I’m nocking at the door
Baby gimme love
Don’t want to be a friend anymore
Belema ma, bele mama
Belema ma, bele mama
Belema ma, bele mama
Belema ma, bele mama
Belema ma, bele mama
Don’t really gat much to say
But the girl got pretty much everything
Ten million ways to say
That you look good in every way
Funmi ni medji oh
Funmi ni meta oh
If you telly me no na danger
Balancy lisa, balancy
Balancy lisa, balancy
I start conversation
I give her a different situation
My blood elevation
She can tell that lost my composure
I want to see you more
Oya gimme love
Don’t want to be a friend anymore
I’m nocking at the door
Baby gimme love
Don’t want to be a friend anymore
Belema ma, bele mama
Belema ma, bele mama
Belema ma, bele mama
Belema ma, bele mama
Belema ma, bele mama
(I start conversation
I give her a different situation
My blood elevation
She can tell that lost my composure)
All other girls are counterfeit
Balancy lisa balancy
Balancy lisa balancy
Balancy lisa balancy
(All other girls are counterfeit
Balancy lisa balancy
Balancy lisa balancy
Balancy lisa balancy)
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