PSALMOS How Great Thou Art  cover image

Paroles de How Great Thou Art

Paroles de How Great Thou Art Par PSALMOS

How great thou art
How great thou art
Oh Lord my King
How great thou art
How great thou art
How great thou art
Oh Lord my King
How great thou art

You are seated in heaven
And you made the earth your footstool
Oh Lord my King
How great thou art
You are seated in heaven
And you made the earth your footstool
Oh Lord my King
How great thou art

(How great thou art
How great thou art
Oh Lord my King
How great thou art
How great thou art
How great thou art
Oh Lord my King
How great thou art

You are seated in heaven
And you made the earth your footstool
Oh Lord my King
How great thou art
You are seated in heaven
And you made the earth your footstool
Oh Lord my King
How great thou art)

The Lamb of God, who knew no sin
Sacrificed himself for you and i
The Lamb of God, who knew no sin
Sacrificed himself for you and i
The Lamb of God, who knew no sin
Sacrificed himself for you and i
You are seated in heaven
And you made the earth your footstool
Oh Lord my King
How great thou art

(How great thou art
How great thou art
Oh Lord my King
How great thou art
How great thou art
How great thou art
Oh Lord my King
How great thou art

You are seated in heaven
And you made the earth your footstool
Oh Lord my King
How great thou art
You are seated in heaven
And you made the earth your footstool
Oh Lord my King
How great thou art
How great thou art
How great thou art
Oh Lord my King
How great thou art
You are seated in heaven
And you made the earth your footstool
Oh Lord my King
How great thou art
How great thou art
How great thou art
Oh Lord my King
How great thou art)

Holy Holy in the one who was and is to come
To him be Glory and Honour and Power for ever and ever
Holy Holy in the one who was and is to come
To him be Glory and Honour and Power for ever and ever
(Holy Holy in the one who was and is to come
To him be Glory and Honour and Power for ever and ever
Holy Holy in the one who was and is to come
To him be Glory and Honour and Power for ever and ever
Holy Holy in the one who was and is to come
To him be Glory and Honour and Power for ever and ever)


A Propos de "How Great Thou Art "

Album : How Great Thou Art (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2020
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Oct 01 , 2020

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