PRAISE GLORY C Yahweh cover image

Paroles de Yahweh

Paroles de Yahweh Par PRAISE GLORY C

From the rising of the sun
To the setting of the same Oh! LORD, you are so great
You've set up a kingdom
That will never end Oh! LORD
You are so great eeee
Yahweh Yahweh Adonai, we give you the praise
Yahweh Yahweh Adonai, we give you the praise

It's a kingdom of light
Where life never end
We live and rule forever
We reign with the king
In this kingdom of light
In this world, there's brilliance always
Yahweh Yahweh Adonai, we give you the praise
Yahweh Yahweh Adonai, we give you the praise

God in the midst of His people (It's the blessings of all nations)
God in the midst of His people (It's the blessings of all nations)
God in the midst of His people (It's the blessings of all nations)
God in the midst of His people (It's the blessings of all nations)
There is no death, no pain, no more sorrow (We live and rejoice in the Lord)
There is no death, no pain, no more sorrow (We live and rejoice in the Lord)
Yahweh Yahweh Adonai, we give you the praise
Yahweh Yahweh Adonai, we give you the praise

Yahweh, we greet you (Yahaaaaaaaweh, Lord, we greet you)
Yahweh, we greet you (Yahaaaaaaaweh, Lord, we greet you)
Yahweh Yahweh Adonai, we give you the praise
Yahweh Yahweh Adonai, we give you the praise


A Propos de "Yahweh"

Album : Yahweh (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2023
Ajouté par : Praise Glory C
Published : Jul 01 , 2023

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