POMPI Strong Name ft Trinah cover image

Paroles de Strong Name ft Trinah

Paroles de Strong Name ft Trinah Par POMPI

I speak, I say mountains be moved
Valleys of death, I will walk right through
I live by faith, all I see is you
Jehovah Nissi yeah yeah
Enemies I face fight my every move
On my knees I pray I will never loose
From the heap of clay you have brought me through
Jehovah Nissi, we call on you

Yesu Yesu
You’re the strong name I run to
Yesu Yesu
All my help will come from you

It’s your name that made me humble myself
It’s your name only that brought me to my wealth
You name there’s nothing it cannot change
It’s your name, your name, your name
To let go of me you would rather die
In your hands everything shall multiply
Resurrected ascended to the sky
Didn’t know even death could be denied

Yesu Yesu
You’re the strong name I run to
Yesu Yesu
All my help will come from you

There’s something you should know
He would rather die than let you go
He would rather die than let you go
He would rather die than let you go
There’s something you should know
He would rather die than let you go
He would rather die than let you go
He would rather die than let you go

Yesu Yesu
You’re the strong name I run to
Yesu Yesu
All my help will come from you
Yesu Yesu
You’re the strong name I run to
Yesu Yesu
All my help will come from you


A Propos de "Strong Name ft Trinah"

Album : Strong Name ft Trinah (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2022
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Nov 19 , 2022

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