OSCAR AULIQ-ICE It’s a Crazy Game cover image

Paroles de It’s a Crazy Game


Paroles de It’s a Crazy Game Par OSCAR AULIQ-ICE

The streets are ruthless, no mercy in sight

Every step I take, could be my last tonight

The police on the corner, trying to keep the peace

But when they cross the line, they become the beast

The streets, the police, the snitches, it's a crazy game

Where survival of the fittest, is the only claim to fame

The danger's in the air, I can feel it down my spine

In this concrete jungle, I gotta stay on my grind

The snitches are lurking, tryna take you down

For a few bucks, they'll turn your smile into a frown

They hide behind their lies, and play both sides

But when the heat is on, they'll take the easy ride

The streets, the police, the snitches, it's a crazy game

Where survival of the fittest, is the only claim to fame

The danger's in the air, I can feel it down my spine

In this concrete jungle, I gotta stay on my grind

It's a warzone out here, and I'm fighting for my life

Every move I make, gotta be precise

The only rule that counts, is to never trust the snakes

Keep my ears to the ground, and the safety off the brakes

The streets, the police, the snitches, it's a crazy game

Where survival of the fittest, is the only claim to fame

The danger's in the air, I can feel it down my spine

In this concrete jungle, I gotta stay on my grind

The streets are calling, and I gotta play my part

Take it day by day, and keep it close to my heart

The police and the snitches, they'll never hold me down

When the stakes are high, and the lights go fade to brown


A Propos de "It’s a Crazy Game"

Album : (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2024
Copyright :
Ajouté par : Klos Klay
Published : Oct 17 , 2024

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