OLIVETHEBOY  Stay cover image

Paroles de Stay

Paroles de Stay Par OLIVETHEBOY

Na na, na na
Na the badman Cele

Even though she's a baddie-bad
She dey dey pray for me
All the bad things edey country
She say she go dey for me oh no
Call her night oh, hi hi oh
Where my baby oh, hi hi oh
Say, My love no lie lie oh
Baby look at me
Then I tell her, Girl I go dey love you for life
I fall for you
I go dey like you to see mommy oh
But she say, Fire go fit to fit fall fall fall
Wey I tell her, Nobody go try, no
Say, Do you want to go?
She say, No
Why you feel so low?
You dey fear I'll go
Baby do you want to go?
She say, No
Why you feel so low?
You dey fear I'll go

But mese dea omo baka biaa mentie, baby
Only you go stay baby
I give assurance say baby
Only you go dey
Say, You will never go far away no no
Only you go stay baby
I give assurance say baby
Only you go dey
Say, You will never go far away
Only you go stay (Only you go dey)
Only you go stay (Only you go dey)
Only you go stay (Only you go dey)
Only you go dey
Ou-oh, Only you go dey (Only you go stay)
Only you go dey  (Only you go stay)
Only you go dey (Only you go stay)

Even though she's a baddie-bad
She dey dey pray for me
All the bad things edey country
She say she go dey for me oh no
She go dey church for me
For life, I fall for you
I go dey like you to see mommy oh
But she say, fire go fit to fit fall fall fall
Wey I tell her, Nobody go try, no
Say, Do you want to go?
She say, no
Why you feel so low?
You dey fear I'll go
Baby do you want to go?
She say, No
Why you feel so low?
You dey fear I'll go

But mese dea omo baka biaa mentie, baby
Only you go stay baby
I give assurance say baby
Only you go dey
Say, You will never go far away
No no!
Only you go stay baby
I give assurance say baby
Only you go dey
Say, you will never go far away
Only you go stay (Only you go dey)
Only you go stay (Only you go dey)
Only you go stay (Only you go dey)
Only you go dey
Ou-oh, Only you go dey (Only you go stay)
Only you go dey  (Only you go stay)
Only you go dey (Only you go stay)
Ech only you go dey, ouoh ouooh


A Propos de "Stay"

Album : Avana (EP)
Année de Sortie : 2023
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Aug 31 , 2023

Plus de Lyrics de OLIVETHEBOY


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