NIMIX Hasinibu cover image

Paroles de Hasinibu

Paroles de Hasinibu Par NIMIX

Jesus, He carry me Hasinibu
Jesus, He carry me Hasinibu o
He Hasinibu, Hasinibu, Hasinibu o
He Hasinibu, Hasinibu, Hasinibu o

Jesus, He carry me Hasinibu
Jesus, He carry me Hasinibu o
He Hasinibu, Hasinibu, Hasinibu o
He Hasinibu, Hasinibu, Hasinibu o

You are bigger than the biggest o
Hasinibu o
You are stronger than the strongest o
Hasinibu o
You are wiser than the strongest o
Hasinibu o

He Hasinibu, Hasinibu, Hasinibu o
He Hasinibu, Hasinibu, Hasinibu o

You see our God is bigger than what people say
If we say he is the biggest
Then he is bigger than the biggest

Your name is the rock
Every other ground, sinking always sinking
Your name is been rock
Every other ground, sinking always sinking

Your name is the king
Your name is life
Jesus e carry me Hasinibu

Jesus, He carry me Hasinibu
Jesus, He carry me Hasinibu o
He Hasinibu, Hasinibu, Hasinibu o
He Hasinibu, Hasinibu, Hasinibu

You are bigger than what we say
Jesus You are bigger than what people say
Jesus You are bigger than what people say
Jesus You are bigger than what people say
What people say, what people say, what people say

Jesus You are bigger than what people say
Jesus You are bigger than what people say
What people say, what people say, what people say
What people say, what people say, what people say

Halleluyah eeh, halleluyah yah yah yah
Halleluyah eeh, halleluyah yah yah yah
Halleluyah eeh, halleluyah yah yah yah
Halleluyah eeh, halleluyah yah yah yah

Jesus You bigger than what people say
Jesus You bigger than what people say
Than what people say, what people, what people say
Than what people say, what people say, what people say


A Propos de "Hasinibu"

Album : Hasinibu (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2020
Copyright : (c) 2020
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Dec 22 , 2020

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