NASTY C UOK cover image

Paroles de UOK

Paroles de UOK Par NASTY C

Mama you okay now, you safe now
You in a better place now
I'll see you another day now
Mama, you okay, mama, you okay
Mama, you okay, mama, you okay

Don't worry about a thing now
You got wings now
You done got yourself a halo
You looking over everything now
Mama I done turned into a star now
Mama you done got me far now
I wish I had you in my arms now
I just wish you hadn't hopped in that car now

Mama you okay now, you safe now
You in a better place now
I'll see you another day now
Mama, you okay, mama, you okay
Mama, you okay, mama, you okay

Mama I wrote to you
Got something to show to you
Your only son just fed the fam, I feel like it's overdue
You played your part like you were supposed to do
And if I see you in heaven you know that I'm holding you
Look at your son baby, look at your son baby
You gave birth to a monster
You did what you done baby
Your little nigga gone, gone, gone
Mama, lord knows
We'll speak about it when my curtain close

Mama you okay now, you safe now
You in a better place now
I'll see you another day now
Mama, you okay, mama, you okay
Mama, you okay, mama, you okay


A Propos de "UOK"

Album : UOK (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2019
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Feb 15 , 2020

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