MONIQUE BINGHAM Deep In The Bottom cover image

Paroles de Deep In The Bottom

Paroles de Deep In The Bottom Par MONIQUE BINGHAM

I used to feel like everywhere I’m the same
I didnt know then what I know now a race is just a game
It don’t get deeper

Brother brace yourself cause you will need time
Wrap it in your mind cause you’ll never be the same again
Go negro go find yourself go go kneel down go kiss that ground
Cause nothing’s gonna really change

When shit gets deep in the bottom deep in the bottom
You can’t go deeper than the bottom
They gets deep in the bottom of deep in the bottom
Can’t get no deeper than the bottom of Africa
It don’t get deeper can’t get no deeper than the bottom

Incognegro orphan child go sing your song
Go get things rIght get things wrong everything’s about to change
Racing races our of breath go pace your steps
Make a social life out of social death everything changes
He said go look look look in the mirror and see
Look at you sista look at me are we really lust the same
I said i’m black black black as coffee with no cream see
Africans be knowing who I be and nothings ever been the same

Oh you better get deep in the bottom deep in the bottom
Can’t get no deeper than the bottom
You got to get deep in the bottom deep in the bottom of
Can’t get no deeper than the bottom of Africa
It don’t get deeper it don’t get deeper
I used to feel like everywhere i’m the same
I didn’t know then what i know now a race is lust a game repeat
Shit gets deep shit gets deep


A Propos de "Deep In The Bottom"

Album : Of Afrika (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2015
Copyright : (C) 2015 Bigga Sounds LLC
Ajouté par : Olivier charly
Published : Feb 19 , 2020

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