MO MUSIC Beautiful cover image

Paroles de Beautiful

Paroles de Beautiful Par MO MUSIC

Penzi la uhakika
Sio mpaka la kusubiria weekend
Ulinzi uhakika
Hata waje wengi wengi, I go kill dem

Then this is how we found love
Better yesterday, better today
Better tomorrow

Hata nikipata little things 
She is happy
Hata nikipewa nini 
Nakwambia sing'ooki

Beautiful day, beautiful moment
Beautiful heart, beautiful hey

Nah nah nah nah
I no go tell a lie
You are beautiful
Kupenda sikushangai 
You're beautiful

I no go tell a lie
You are beautiful
Kupenda sikushangai 
You're beautiful

Nah nah nah nah
I no go tell a lie
You are beautiful
Kupenda sikushangai 
You're beautiful

Naweka misa penzi lako
Maana moyo bei ya juu
Umefundisha moyo wangu 
Maana wewe chuo kikuu

I back full my --
I'll full fullfill your pocket
Teach me how to love again

I no go tell a lie
You are beautiful
Kupenda sikushangai 
You're beautiful

I no go tell a lie
You are beautiful
Kupenda sikushangai 
You're beautiful

Nah nah nah nah
I no go tell a lie
You are beautiful
Kupenda sikushangai 
You're beautiful

Unanipenda mi nilivyo
We nipende vivyo hivyo
Unanipa raha

Hey kila siku better day
Okey baby penzi letu maintain
No baby, no game game
To reach high mountain

Mapenzi ni kiboko, nimeamini
Yamenichapa mboko siwezi mimi
Ilikuwa ndoto, but now I'm saying

Nah nah nah nah
I no go tell a lie
You are beautiful
Kupenda sikushangai 
You're beautiful

I no go tell a lie
You are beautiful
Kupenda sikushangai 
You're beautiful

Nah nah nah nah
I no go tell a lie
You are beautiful
Kupenda sikushangai 
You're beautiful


A Propos de "Beautiful"

Album : Beautiful
Année de Sortie : 2020
Copyright : (c) 2020
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Apr 30 , 2020

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