
Paroles de My Case Par MINISTER GUC

I know a God who is so good oh

Who can change the life of anyone he meets

I know a God who is so mighty

Who can break the yokes and set the captives free

I never see, I never see this kind of God oh

I never see, I never see this kind of God oh

Wey Dey do wetin man no fit do for me

Oh my God oh, na you Dey do this one oh

God has changed my case

From my years of pain

I will shout for Joy

Hallelujah God has changed my case

God has changed my case

From my years of pain

I will shout for Joy

Hallelujah God has changed my case

I know a God oh

I know a God who is so good oh


Who can change the life of anyone he meets

My God

I know a God who is so mighty

Who can break the yokes and set the captives free

I never see, I never see this kind of God

I never see, I never see this kind of God

Wey Dey do wetin man no fit do for me

Oh oh... Oh my God oh, na you Dey do this one oh

God has changed my case

God has changed my case

From my years of pain

I will shout for Joy

Hallelujah God has changed my case

God... God has changed my case

God has changed my case

From my years of tears

From my years of pain

I will shout for Joy

Hallelujah God has changed my case

Oh lord you are wonderful eh

You are wonderful eh

Oh lord you are more than enough

You are more than enough

Oh lord you are wonderful eh

You are wonderful eh

Oh Lord you are more than enough

You are more than enough

Oh lord you are two-derful eh

You are two-derful eh

CALL: Oh lord you are wonderful eh

You are wonderful eh

Jesus Jesus don butter my bread oh

Jesus Jesus don butter my bread oh

Jesus Jesus don sugar my tea oh

Jesus Jesus don sugar my tea oh

Jesus Jesus don butter my bread oh

Jesus Jesus don butter my bread oh

Oh.....sugar my tea oh

Jesus Jesus don sugar my tea oh

Eh Jesus

Eh Jesus

Sweet Jesus

Eh Jesus

Oh Jesus

Eh Jesus

Darling Jesus

Eh Jesus

Jesus Jesus don settle my matter

Jesus Jesus don settle my matter

Jesus Jesus don settle my matter

Jesus Jesus don settle my matter

E don butter my bread oh


A Propos de "My Case"

Album : (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2024
Copyright :
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Oct 11 , 2024

Plus de Lyrics de MINISTER GUC


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