MEDDY Grateful  cover image

Paroles de Grateful

Paroles de Grateful Par MEDDY

I hear a sound in my heart
It’s more than a song more than words
I only came to say thank you
It’s amazing how much you love me in spite of me
I need you much more than the air I breathe
No power could ever win against me
And I put all my trust in you
Coz I’ve been through the fire (through the fire)
And I walked through the rain (through the rain)
You are holding my hand all the way (all the way)
You’ve been so good to me
I’m so grateful
Thank you for your love and kindness oh yeah
Thank you for your faithfulness
All this time thank you for all things you’ve done

You made me stronger
You make things beautiful
Your ways are better all the time
Where would I be without your loving, kindness and mercy
I’ll dwell in your perfect love all my life
Lord I need you
I need you much more than the air I breathe
No power could ever win against me
And I put all my trust in you
Coz I’ve been through the fire (through the fire)
And I walked through the rain (through the rain)
You are holding my hand all the way (all the way)
You’ve been so good to me
I’m so grateful
Thank you for your love and kindness oh yeah
Thank you for your faithfulness
All this time thank you for all things you’ve done
Oh Jesus I‘ve been through the fire
And I walked through the rain
You are holding my hand all the way
You’ve been so good to me
I’m so grateful
Thank you for your love and kindness


A Propos de "Grateful "

Album : Grateful (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2023
Copyright : ©Meddy/MMG 2023
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Jan 19 , 2023

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