Paroles de Jesus Never Fails
Paroles de Jesus Never Fails Par MARYJANE NWEKE
Jesus you never change
After all these years you remain the same
Jesus you never fails
After all these years you remain the same
Jesus you never change
After all these years you remain the same
Jesus you never fails
After all these years you remain the same
After all the years of temptation
After all the trials you still stood strong
And you made yourself known
Heaven and earth shall pass away Lord but you remain the same
Unchangeable changer you never ever fail
Yes you never ever change oo
Your word remain the same oo
After all these years you are still the same
Yes you never ever change
Your word remain the same
After all these years you are still the same
Jesus you never change
After all these years you remain the same
Jesus you never fails
After all these years you remain the same
You are my sustainer, my provider o
You remain the same
Jesus, you are my sustainer, my provider
You remain the same
Yes you never ever change
Your word remain the same
After all these years you are still the same
Yes you never ever change
Your word remain the same
After all these years you are still the same
Jesus you never change
After all these years you remain the same
Jesus you never fails
After all these years you remain the same
Jesus ah
You never change
You never fail
You’re still the same
Oh Jesus oh
You never change
You never fail
You’re still the same
Master of the universe, ancient of days
As old as you are, as old as you are
You remain the same
Jesus you never fails
After all these years you remain the same
Jesus you never change
After all these years you remain the same
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Jesus oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
A Propos de "Jesus Never Fails"
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