MAIMA Nthi Ino Nditei cover image

Paroles de Nthi Ino Nditei

Maima livre une chanson de 8 minutes "Nthi Ino Nditei" et offre les meilleurs conseils ...

Paroles de Nthi Ino Nditei Par MAIMA

Mashimo I knew this world is merciless
If you were never told now you know
Mashimo I knew this world is merciless
If you were never told now you know

This world is merciless, everyone in this God's world
Works only on what is benefitial to him
This world is merciless, everyone in this God's world
Works only on what is benefitial to him

Even if it's your person
DONT depend on him because you stay with him
Even if it's your person
DONT depend on him because you stay with him

Work hard my brother don't rely on people
Especially here in Kenya you might suffer
Work hard my brother don't rely on people
Especially here in Kenya you might suffer

The earth is merciless my friend
Just hustle on your own
Earn money and use it well
They believe being kind is poverty
Just hustle your own
Once you get money, please use it well

The earth is merciless my friend
I realized this after I came to Nairobi
For the first time to look for a hustle
I really suffered

The earth is merciless my friend
I realized this after I came to Nairobi
For the first time to look for a hustle
I really suffered

My relatives were all over the city
But they couldn't give an aid, I really suffered
My relatives were all over the city
But they couldn't give an aid, I really suffered

They believe being kind is poverty
They said before everyone coming to Nairobi
He should be knowing where exactly he's going to

They believe being kind is poverty
They said before everyone coming to Nairobi
He should be knowing where exactly he's going to

If it couldn't be my curosity and wisdom
It could be easy for my house to be locked
If it couldn't be my curosity and wisdom
It could be easy for my house to be locked

That's when I realized that this world is merciless
And non wishes each other the best
That's when I realized that this world is merciless
And non wishes each other the best

And that's why I Mashimo
Am always minding my own business
Because I have known that this world is merciless
And that's why I Mashimo
Am always minding my own business
Because I have known that this world is merciless

Mashimo once I staged a show and get my money
I always rush it to the bank
No jokes with my money
Mashimo once I staged a show and get my money
I always rush it to the bank
No jokes with my money

Because all those years I suffered in Nairobi
None came for my help except my mum
Because all those years I suffered in Nairobi
None came for my help except my mum

It's my mum Rose who went hunting for a hustle
For me to get money so we may buy food
It's my mum Rose who went hunting for a hustle
For me to get money so we may buy food

This world is merciless and blood is always thicker than water
Because my mum couldn't sleep without knowing my whereabouts
This world is merciless and blood is always thicker than water
Because my mum couldn't sleep without knowing my whereabouts

Once in Nairobi after hustling and having a pay
Please remember your parents at the village
Once in Nairobi after hustling and having a pay
Please remember your parents at the village

It's your parent's who can't abandon you once in troubles
The rest are fake just know that my brother
It's your parent's who can't abandon you once in troubles
The rest are fake just know that my brother

You will spend all your cash with them and after being broke
They run away to spend time with the ones with money
You will spend all your cash with them and after being broke
They run away to spend time with the ones with money

This world is merciless after being bankrupt
They will never pick your calls and mind you
You have drunk all your money with them
This world is merciless after being bankrupt
They will never pick your calls and mind you
You have drunk all your money with them

Never again my friend
Misuse your money in impressing people
Use your money wisely

Never again my friend
Misuse your money in impressing people
Use your money wisely


A Propos de "Nthi Ino Nditei"

Album : Nthi Ino Nditei (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : (c) 2021
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Aug 14 , 2021

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