LLOYISO What I Would Say cover image

Paroles de What I Would Say

Paroles de What I Would Say Par LLOYISO

I came to dance
Wanna feel your fingers touching my skin
Don't think about it too much
I came to find
All the visions that I've had in my dreams
Of holding you in my arms

What do I do when you look at me the way you do?
What do I say, baby? I can't keep my breathing straight
What do I pray for?
I've been praying, I've been praying, I've been praying
If we were in a movie scene
Living in a Hollywood screen
I'd say
I'll love you till the morning come
I'll love you till my heart runs out of blood
I'd say
Let me hold your baggage, let me take your little burdens oh
That's what I would say

I've seen the world
Things get hard and people die, but for you
Baby, I'd rather be blind
I've played these love songs
They can't seem to get the words right
They can't seem to get the feeling right
What do I do when you look at me the way you do?
What do I say, baby? I can't keep my breathing straight
What do I pray for?
I've been praying, I've been praying, I've been praying
If we were in a movie scene
Living in a Hollywood screen
I'd say
I'll love you till the morning come (I'll love you)
I'll love you till my heart runs out of blood
I'd say
Let me hold your baggage, let me take your little burdens oh
That's what I would say

I'll love you till the morning come
I'll love you till my heart runs out of blood
I'd say
Let me hold your baggage, let me take your little burdens oh
That's what I would say


A Propos de "What I Would Say"

Album : What I Would Say (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2022
Copyright : © 2022 Universal Music
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Oct 27 , 2022

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