Llona Cold War cover image

Paroles de Cold War


Paroles de Cold War Par Llona

Oh no no

No issue

It’s getting dangerous but no issue

I tell you my story but you no fit to know

And even if you know

You know I broke into this

It’s getting serious that I sold my peace

Fell so many times and I hurt my knees

No real friends when I was not all like this

Chase music when nothing dey for my jeans

This is unlike me

Oh my God, it's a cold world

Family kill family and it’s cold blood

Why can’t you see that there’s no love?

Only one Llona when I show up

I paralyze but I no fall

So many things but I no talk

God on my side, so I no foh

Only one soldier when I go war

Breddah man, I been done dirty

This life e be discovery

They burn me out like cannabis

Hold me up to pedigrees

I heard them say they don't believe

Man, I heard them say they don't believe

Shoulda learned quicker

I’m my own believer

Shoot down, conversations with them fake losers

They just around for the ride

I don't know what’s worse

Is it the way they make you think you can confide in them

Put a couple dollars on the line for them

Later on the internet, you see them talking down on you, in front of you

Oh my God it's a cold world, war

Family kill family and it's cold blood

Why can't you see that there's no love?

Only one Llona when I show up

I paralyze but I no fall

So many things but I no talk

God on my side, so I no foh

Only one soldier when I go war


A Propos de "Cold War"

Album : (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2024
Copyright :
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Nov 21 , 2024

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