LADY ZAMAR It's You - Dreaming cover image

Paroles de It's You - Dreaming

Paroles de It's You - Dreaming Par LADY ZAMAR

I can't go on no more
These dreams have me tossing oh
I'm somewhere
I don't want to be no more
I don't wanna be alone
Time has shown no remorse
I need a change
I'm drowning oh
Angels be near
This fight is lost
Please end it
I need you to end it

Come to me
Say to me
That you're my peace
You'll fight for me
Your empty words
Bring me no peace
Please end it
I need you to end it

It's hurts the most when I'm dreaming
Day dreaming, Day dreaming 
It hurts the most when I'm dreaming
Day dreaming, Day dreaming

It's you of you, It's you of you 
Please end it
I need you to end it
It's you of you, It's you of you
Please end it
I need you to end it

These day dreams
Lucid peace
Beautiful desires
Have me feeling oh
Coz it is so wrong
That I am alone
Waiting for the day you'll come
Sunshine and fairies
Raindrops and cherries
Sunshine and fairies
Raindrops and cherries
My knees are weak
From kneeling to Him
Please end it
I need you to end it

It's hurts the most when I'm dreaming
Day dreaming, Day dreaming
It hurts the most when I'm dreaming
Day dreaming, Day dreaming

It's you of you, It's you of you, It's you of you
It's you of you, It's you of you, It's you of you
It's you of you, It's you of you, It's you of you
Please end it
I need you to end it
It's you of you, It's you of you, It's you of you
It's you of you, It's you of you, It's you of you
It's you of you, It's you of you, It's you of you
Please end it
I need you to end it

It's hurts the most when I'm dreaming
Day dreaming, Day dreaming
It hurts the most when I'm dreaming
Day dreaming, Day dreaming

It's you of you, Day dreaming
Please end it
I need you to end it
It's you of you, Day dreaming
Please end it
I need you to end it

Come to me
Say to me
That you're my peace
You'll fight for me
Your empty words
Bring me no peace
Please end it
I need you to end it

It's hurts the most when I'm dreaming
Day dreaming, Day dreaming
It hurts the most when I'm dreaming
Day dreaming, Day dreaming


A Propos de "It's You - Dreaming"

Album : It's You - Dreaming (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2017
Copyright : (C) 2017 Universal Music (Pty) Ltd South Africa
Ajouté par : Olivier charly
Published : Feb 20 , 2020

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