Paroles de Letting Go
Paroles de Letting Go Par LADE
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I know I make mistakes sometimes
But I'm learning my lesson
When things are upside down
Wey I no fit tell person
Anything that seems out of my control
I'm letting go
You want feel my pain (pain)
That's all right
So many faults
I no fit talk
And No time to complain
Wow oh oh
With each breath I feel free
Feel ease in my genes
Now I know how it feels
True inner peace
From any fall and any stumble , I gain insight
Forgiveness from within the peace that I find
I don't want to lose my mind
Clear road make I see light
This feeling so divine yeah
I know I make mistakes sometimes
But I'm learning my lesson
When things are upside down
Wey I no fit tell person
Anything that seems out of my control
I'm letting go
I know I make mistakes sometimes
But I'm learning my lesson
When things are upside down
Wey I no fit tell person
Anything that seems out of my control
I'm letting go
from any fall and any stumble , I gain insight
Forgiveness from within the peace that I find
I don't want to lose my mind
Clear road make I see light
This feeling so divine yeah
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