![KING PERRYY Believe cover image](https://afrikalyrics.com/assets/thumbnail/king-perryy-kingperryybelieve-24697.jpg)
Paroles de Believe
Paroles de Believe Par KING PERRYY
Continental Continental
Once upon a time
Make I tell you story by the fire
before we started living in denial
When nothing was anything at the time*
Bafana bafana make I tell you story’s
By the fire when we used to shit ina the diaper
when nothing was anything at the time yhhh
If you really wana be something
You gast believe
You gast believe in something
If you really wana be something
You gast believe
You gast believe in something
Oo oo ai legends never die
Me I don see life
Wey fit tear my eye
But I no fit blind
Rough & tougher skin
like a crocodile
Look me in my eye
This my likkle light
I’ma let it shine
We living the same life
Just in different ways
From different eyes o
If you believe
You don’t need no validation
You no get work ?
You gon need an occupation
Once upon a time
Make I tell you story by the fire
before we started living in denial
When nothing was anything at the time
Bafana bafana make I tell you story’s
By the fire when we used to shit ina the diaper
when nothing was anything at the time yhhh
If you really wana be something
You gast believe
You gast believe in something
If you really wana be something
You gast believe
You gast believe in something
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