KICKLAYER  Stoner Slut cover image

Paroles de Stoner Slut

Paroles de Stoner Slut Par KICKLAYER

Chill out with my stoner slut, my Stoner Slut
Chill out with my stoner slut, my Stoner Slut
Chill out with my stoner slut, my Stoner Slut
I ve got a Stoner Slut, my Stoner Slut
My Stoner Slut

She gime hand in rolling ablunt
Slaping her butty is a must
Ma stoner came be my queen
A love a smoke from your tits
Let us poop it down and show me your all
When you came close whisper in ma ear
A word can make me final
That make me excited couse
You ma stoner slut

Chill out with my stoner slut, my Stoner Slut
Chill out with my stoner slut, my Stoner Slut
Chill out with my stoner slut, my Stoner Slut
I ve got a Stoner Slut, my Stoner Slut
My Stoner Slut

Papparazi talk about your botty
Put them inside your messy dirty bin
Bareke bavuge bareke basare
Twicange ducunga abaducunga
Twicare twicarire abatwicira
Vibes zacu nizo twihigira sizo guha mfs

Chill out with my stoner slut, my Stoner Slut
Chill out with my stoner slut, my Stoner Slut
Chill out with my stoner slut, my Stoner Slut
I ve got a Stoner Slut, my Stoner Slut
My Stoner Slut


A Propos de "Stoner Slut"

Album : (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2020
Ajouté par : Habimana Olivier
Published : Oct 27 , 2020

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