Paroles de Buyile
Paroles de Buyile Par KHULI CHANA
Se ka buyile!
Seng'shiya more, and ziwa more
Wang' feel-a more
Se ka buyile! Check out the steeze I'm on
Ke a baba, you should see my cherie amour
Se ka buyile! Seng'shiya more, wang' feel-a more
And ziwa more
Se ka buyile! Ke a o siya bona
Se ka...
Wa tseba, wa tseba
Wa tseba, wa tseba
Wa tseba, wa tseba
Banana bantshwere ma ayi yebo
Ayi yebo, ayi yebo, ayi yebo!
Banana ba ntshwere
Wa tseba, wa tseba
Wa tseba, wa tseba
Wa tseba, wa tseba
Banana bantshwere ma ayi yebo
Ayi yebo, ayi yebo, ayi yebo!
Banana ba ntshwere, wa tseba
Eh feel it!
Ke tla o --
Dumelang, le baloi, say something
Back by popular demand, Les Mampe
Tlohelang, tlohelang, can't stop me
You and I, 'til we die, ain't that something?
I gave the hottest chick in the game sefane same
Ha ke fellwe, ha ke felle, tse monate
Mpolae, botsa Vetie, botsa something
Keep coming back hape le hape, hape le hape
Se ka buyile!
Seng'shiya more, and ziwa more
Wang' feel-a more
Se ka buyile! Check out the steeze I'm on
Ke a baba, you should see my cherie amour
Se ka buyile! Seng'shiya more, wang' feel-a more
And ziwa more
Se ka buyile! Ke a o siya bona
Se ka...
Wa tseba, wa tseba
Wa tseba, wa tseba
Wa tseba, wa tseba
Banana bantshwere ma ayi yebo
Ayi yebo, ayi yebo, ayi yebo!
Banana ba ntshwere
Wa tseba, wa tseba
Wa tseba, wa tseba
Wa tseba, wa tseba
Banana bantshwere ma ayi yebo
Ayi yebo, ayi yebo, ayi yebo!
Banana ba ntshwere, wa tseba
Eh feel it!
Ke tla o --
Pelonyana, pelonolo, do love me
She be mine, ha se metlholo, do something
Se lebale, ke botlhale, true hustling
Ba robetse, ke a ba kgalema, ke Motlanthe
Tsuonyana, baby nyana, do something
Shikisha, booty pop, move something
Sengwenyana for banyana le mogwanti
BoAyanda le Yolanda le Ashanti
Se ka buyile!
Seng'shiya more, and ziwa more
Wang' feel-a more
Se ka buyile! Check out the steeze I'm on
Ke a baba, you should see my cherie amour
Se ka buyile! Seng'shiya more, wang' feel-a more
And ziwa more
Se ka buyile! Ke a o siya bona
Se ka...
Wa tseba, wa tseba
Wa tseba, wa tseba
Wa tseba, wa tseba
Banana bantshwere ma ayi yebo
Ayi yebo, ayi yebo, ayi yebo!
Banana ba ntshwere
Wa tseba, wa tseba
Wa tseba, wa tseba
Wa tseba, wa tseba
Banana bantshwere ma ayi yebo
Ayi yebo, ayi yebo, ayi yebo!
Banana ba ntshwere, wa tseba
Ayi yebo, ayi yebo
Maye babo, ayi yabo
Nawe uyabona, nawe uyabona
Ayi yebo, ayi yebo
Maye babo, ayi yabo
Nawe uyabona, nawe uyabona
Ayi yebo, ayi yebo, eish
Waa waa
A Propos de "Buyile "
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