KELLYBLEND No dey form cover image

Paroles de No dey form

Paroles de No dey form Par KELLYBLEND

Linch music on da Kellyblend oooh ye
Why you just dey form form form baby....
My matter no go cast you, cast cast, baby..

Baby wait... Please don't go, cause I promise I go stay... Please no dull me... 
Abi you no hear say live Na turn by turn oo 
today I no get oo but tomorrow say I go get ooo
Tell what you love for
Tell me what you looking for
Tell me why you need me for girl 

Why you just dey form form form baby....
My matter no go cast you, cast cast, baby... 

Your matter be like endsars for my body.. e dey chocked me...
Shey you dey loot my heart o 
abi you be politician....
My village people them know and all my friends them know say I love you

Tell me what you love me so
Tell me what u looking for
Tell me why you need me for girl.

Why you just dey form form form baby
My matter no go cast you Cast cast baby


A Propos de "No dey form"

Album : No dey form (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Ajouté par : Kellyblend
Published : Jun 14 , 2021

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