Kadric M Memories cover image

Paroles de Memories


Paroles de Memories Par Kadric M

They never cares when you feeling lonely or down

All they seems is they really want your useful

They build your legacy or choose your destiny

Fuck that darn screw legacy isn't really really useful

Is been a long time and i can't feel myself

Gat me use or dump like a dirt already

Betrothed my life to ring

No foers, no love no friends i get nothing else to live for

So am here for you when you feel lonely just call my phone

Have been dead for so many years what is truth & what is wrong

And i can't seems to tell there is no good & evill

All i want i for you to be happy

Nevertheless i can kill my

Never cares when you feeling lonely or down

All they seems is they really want your useful

They build your legacy or choose your destiny

Fuck that darn screw legacy isn't really really useful

You lost your life and you have been hurt many times

Evill is the ruler of the word and men are evil and evil is men

Then why can't we live forever aren't you curious about it

This is hell and no way to live getting everything for nothing

Made human so weak and evil

Never cares when you feeling lonely or down

All they seems is they really want your useful

They build your legacy or choose your destiny

Fuck that darn screw legacy isn't really really useful

You lost your life and you have been hurt many times


A Propos de "Memories"

Album : (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2024
Copyright :
Ajouté par : Ruthmus
Published : Oct 15 , 2024

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