JUBILATE CHETA God All By Yourself cover image

Paroles de God All By Yourself

Paroles de God All By Yourself Par JUBILATE CHETA

You are God all by yourself
There's nobody greater than you
You are God all by yourself
I live to worship You

You made the land and sea
Mountains and the hill
With power in Your word You beautify the earth
What you cannot do
Can never ever exist o
We live to testify
You are God all by yourself
Ihenile gbasaram o
Ne metu ya n'obi
You meet my every need
You hear all my prayers
What you cannot do
Can never ever exist o
We live to testify
You are God all by yourself
You are God all by yourself
There's nobody greater than You
You are God all by yourself
I live to worship You
I live to worship You
I live to give You praise
I live to testify
You are God all by yourself


A Propos de "God All By Yourself"

Album : God All By Yourself (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2022
Ajouté par : Jubilate Cheta
Published : Jul 28 , 2022

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