JIMMY D PSALMIST Great And Terrible  cover image

Paroles de Great And Terrible

Paroles de Great And Terrible Par JIMMY D PSALMIST

You're seated  in heaven
And make the earth your footstool
Yet you live in me
the river of life
With fire in your eyes
what a wonder you are
You built the earth
And roofed it with the heavens
No pillar no walls
No pillas no walls
You speak in thunder
and cloth with yards of fire
How terrible you are
How terrible you are

Ewo ewo
Great and terrible God
Yes you reign
Eleh eleh eleh eleh eleh
Great and terrible God
Yes you reign
Iyammi oh iyammi oh
Great and terrible God
Yes you reign
Chimo oh  chimo oh
Great and terrible God
Yes you Reign

You're seated  in heaven
And make the earth your footstool
Yet you live in me
Yet you live in me
the river of life
With fire in your eyes
what a wonder you are
what a wonder you are
You built the earth
And roofed it with the heavens
No pillar no walls
No pillas no walls
You speak in thunder
and cloth with yards of fire
How terrible you are
How terrible you are

Ewo ewo
Great and terrible God
Yes you reign
Eleh eleh eleh eleh
Great and terrible God
Yes you reign
Iyammi oh iyammi oh
Great and terrible God
Yes you reign
Chimo oh chimo oh
Great and terrible God
Yes you Reign
Yes you reign

My God you reign, you reign
My God you reign
Great and terrible God
Yes you reign
Yes you reign,
Yes you reign, yes you reign
Great and terrible God
Yes you reign
I'm not afraid, I am not afraid
Not afraid
Great and terrible God
Yes you reign I'm not afraid

I am not afraid
Not afraid
Great and terrible God
Yes you reign I'm not afraid

I am not afraid
Not afraid
Great and terrible God
Yes you reign
Yeah yeah


A Propos de "Great And Terrible "

Album : (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2018
Ajouté par : Preslie Nzobou
Published : Feb 26 , 2020

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